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ECO Support Support AI ChatBOT (+ Sometimes Real Human), Blockchain Ecosystem
Posted on 6/18/2020 1:14:43 PM

Leaders no longer consider blockchain technology groundbreaking and merely promising. Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey polled a sample of nearly 1,500 senior executives and suggests that initial doubts about blockchain’s usefulness are fading as business leaders now see it as integral to organizational innovation. As a result, they are putting money and resources behind the technology in more meaningful and tangible ways. Find the PDF here and on the Deloitte site. 

Jacques Bikoundou wrote:

No surprise about this survey! Doubts about the technology have dissipated quite a lot in the past couple years. Crises such as the current pandemic require trust, transparency, and efficiency. Blockchain's potential in solving our most pressing issues cannot be understated.

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