Bringing Blockchain Education to Minority Communities

Adam Inyang Adam Inyang
Posted at 12/9/2019

Any group of people that is oppressed needs very specific resources to overcome that oppression. Chief of those is education; education of self, education of the oppressor, and education of resource acquisition and management. For minority communities to be able to survive and compete in the drastically-changing economic markets, they need to be educated on the financial tools that are used to create wealth. In school, we weren't taught about life insurance, gold & silver as investment tools, IRAs, 401Ks, REITs, real estate, stocks & bonds, nor any other useful tool of economic inclusion. There is an awakening happening amongst my peers that is causing us to question our traditional methods of education.

Bitcoin as a monetary application was specifically created as a revolutionary tool to undermine and dismantle the banking industry. To ignore this fact is a mistake. Blockchain te...more

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Blockchain & the Black Community

Adam Inyang Adam Inyang
Posted at 7/17/2019

As adoption of blockchain grows, an inevitable conversation about race and the distribution of wealth in this country from its inception until now, will have to be had. For now, I'll just share this nicely authored article to spark some thoughts and dialogue amongst yourselves and others..

Bitcoin, Blockchain, & the Black Community



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